Monday, July 28, 2008

We have gutters!

Today we had our gutters installed!

Hopefully now the yard won't look like this anymore after it rains:

Birthday cookout at Ryan and Samantha's house

Saturday night we went to Ryan and Samantha Ray's house for a birthday cookout with some of their friends from church. Ryan shares a birthday with Luke Ribich, who has one of New Life Church's newest babies, Cole.

Ryan got a new grill that morning and loaded it up to break it in

Helping Karl put up sheetrock

Saturday morning, we helped Rachel's brother, Karl, put up some sheetrock. He is working on the lower level of his house and when it is all finished, it will be a nice home theater room.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

First Service At New Church Building!

Last night was the first service at our new building. Ken and I went Thursday night to help work on the building to get it ready for this weekend. It is amazing what a group of people can get done in 2 days. I personally didn't think it was going to be ready in time. I was wrong though. Everything wasn't 100% finished and perfect but it was close. It was a really good service with lots of people there. After the service there was a big carnival with inflatable jumpers, a climbing wall, lots of food, and also fireworks. It was lots of fun.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

First service in new church tonight!

Tonight is the first service in our new church building. Many people have been working day and night all week to get enough ready for the first weekend of services.

Taking down lights at the old campus Sunday afternoon