Jack hasn't been feeling well and I am pretty sure he has another ear infection. We see ENT on Thursday and will be scheduling him to get tubes as soon as possible. Today his stomach is upset and didn't keep his lunch down. A couple hours later he had kept down some pedialyte and saltines. I was eating my snack and Jack kept asking for a bite. I didn't want to give him any because it was seasoned and cheesy so I didn't want it to upset his stomach. He kept begging and being pitiful so I gave him "one bite" which was really 3. I then told him no more and this is our conversation:
R: no more JJ (several times)
JJ: please. More. Please. Bite. (As he is furiously sighing please)
R: no JJ. Mommy said no. I don't want your tummy to get upset.
JJ: please. More. Please. Bite.
R: What did mommy say? Mommy said no.
JJ: (real quite) mommy say no. I say more.....
Jack is getting sassy and too smart!
Love my 2 year olds more every day!