Luke's MRI results came back and everything looks fine. There was one small area which probably was a small brain bleed (which we never knew about) during his first few weeks, but it is not causing any problems and is nothing to be concerned about at all. No sign of any chiari malformation. Just like all of Luke's other tests, we're happy that nothing serious was found (and not having to find the best hospital for a head/brain surgery) but once again are left without an answer or explanation of why he won't eat and what we should do to fix it.
As we've said before, Jack and Luke have come through so much. Every time we are at the hospital for a clinic appointment or feeding tube change, we're reminded of how lucky we are. If Luke is never able to eat, we can live with that. It won't be easy, but we have learned to adjust and are thankful that every serious condition we have tested for has come back negative. It's taken almost two years to get through every procedure and test that all of our doctors and specialists have recommended. Since no physical explanation has been found, we are ready to start the long process of overcoming the psychological reasons for Luke's oral aversion - lots of steps and details that we'll share in another update.
The boys have had many ear/strep infections that started last fall. This spring both had tubes placed in their ears and the ears have been much better. The strep infections have continued at least once a month. Monday Jack had a follow-up appointment at the ENT clinic (with our favorite specialist at the hospital) to check his ears. We brought Luke with us and talked about our battles with strep. Dr R was great, looked at both of them, and agreed with our thoughts. Both boys will have their tonsils and adenoids removed on Tuesday, August 14th. Yes - it will be a terrible couple of weeks, but we'd rather only have to get through it once.
This doesn't happen very often, but they do love each other and sometimes show it
Painting and playing with chocolate pudding in the bath