Thursday, September 24, 2009

More from day 1

The Barnes grandparents arrived this afternoon and were able to meet Luke and Jack. Luke's nurse opened part of the isolette and let us touch him. Rachel held his foot and applied a little pressure (called hand containment - rubbing causes too much stimulation for them right now) and I was able to rest my hand on the top of his head.

Jack breathing in his isolette

Luke breathing in his isolette


Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel and Ken,

Totally awestruck and amazed with all the news and pictures of the 'little dudes'! Ken I was thinking that since they got here earlier than expected and I know that you don't want them to be bored just laying around perhaps you could start them on their multiplication tables! If they master them too easily try teaching them Morse Code! If they were to grimace when you played the tones near them, you could always vary the playback frequency a little and stop varying it when you see the corners of their mouths curl up. That would be your signal that they approve, just a thought... Please hug 'Momma' Rachel (gently) for me!

Uncle Jack

Barbara said...

They are so beautiful!!! Rachel, push yourself just enough and don't overdo it! Take care of her, Ken. (I'm glad to hear that you didn't pass out!!) You've got a good man, Rachel!
