Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Getting some rest

Luke and Jack are doing a little better each day. Their color has improved, both are off the bili lights (Baptist's were blue, Children's are white), and they seem to be very comfortable most of the time (unless they are being moved, getting tests or having blood drawn).

Rachel has been spending mornings and afternoons at the hospital each day and we have been going back after dinner once the nurses change shifts. Last night we left in the afternoon and stayed home to get some rest. It feels bad not spending all of our time with them, but we are both so worn out that we needed to eat dinner, take care of a few things around the house, and get in bed around 7:30pm to catch up on some sleep. It's not worth getting sick, because then we would not be able to see the boys for days...

I'm feeling a little better rested today and should help my head stay clear as I'm finishing forms for insurance, birth certificates, social security, and Rachel's short-term disability coverage. Hopefully most of that will be finished and sent off today - we'll see.

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